• Leave No One Behind - SDG Goals 2030

  • Leave No One Behind - SDG Goals 2030

  • Leave No One Behind - SDG Goals 2030

  • Leave No One Behind - SDG Goals 2030

  • Leave No One Behind - SDG Goals 2030

  • Leave No One Behind - SDG Goals 2030

Leave No One Behind - SDG Goals 2030

Development Wheel is one of the active members of Bangladesh Coalition on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), SDG Action Alliance Bangladesh and other citizen platforms.

ADD International, Christian Aid, Dan Church Aid and Help Age International with the support from CIVICUS have formed the Bangladesh Coalition on the SDG to demystify the SDG and Leave No One Behind (LNB) concept and build an understanding of the LNB agenda for civil society, policy makers and the mass population focusing on those who are the target groups of LNB – women, girls, religious and ethnic minorities, dalits, transgender, disabled, aged, youth, trade unions, LGBTQI and rural communities. The coalition also aims to establish a national level multi-stakeholder coalition in support of LNB. In collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh and civil society actors we have been working to create awareness across the country. DEW is also an active member of the different SDG alliances locally and regionally.

Regional level activity of the organization to promote SDG goals 2023 and LNB

Contact Us

House # 13-A/4-A (3rd floor), Babar Road, Block-B, Mohammadpur, Dhaka- 1207, Bangladesh